Kitty Kollar - Petite Feline, Design may vary


    • The adjustable collar fits securely around the animal's neck with a hole for the tube and a Velcro(TM) strap to secure it when it is not in use
    • Circular cotton pads are supplied to place between the collar and the skin protecting
    • Machine washable collars provide superior cleanliness
    • Please note, there are various designs and patterns for this product, so not all will look the exact same.

    Product Detail

    • Product Dimensions: 1 x 1 x 1 inches;
    • Item model number: J1085
    • Average Customer Review: Customer Reviews

    Product Description

    Petite - Small Cats/Dogs Yorkie Poodles. Est. Top Edge Weight 6-9 No. Neck Size 8"-9" Collar and Tab 9+2" Inches - 2 Collar tube holder 1.5" Collar tube hole 1/4" Kitty Kollar. "E" Tube protective collar. The collar was designed to be a sensible solution to the everyday patient management of an esophagostomy tube (e-tube) in the cat and dog. The adjustable collar fits securely around the animal's neck with a hole for the tube and a Velcro strap to secure it when it is not in use. Circular cotton pads are supplied to place between the collar and the skin protecting the wound to absorb drainage from below and protect from contaminants from above. It eliminates the need for owners to attempt to learn bandaging techniques as well as unnecessary repeated visits to your office for re-bandaging. Primary benefits include: Machine washable collars provide superior cleanliness of site Ease of application and removal (=convenience) Lowered risk of tube removal by animal Decreased risk of wound trauma (animals scratch at site less) Less chance that owners will bandage too tightly and restrict breathing. Can leave in place for Radiographs MRI chemotherapy and other procedures. Aesthetically pleasing for "squeamish" clients Send home a professional and compassionate presentation. Each collar is packaged in a plastic bag with a laminated information card and comes with 6 protector pads. (a one to two week supply).

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