store (Shop 24hours) Product Offering Dewormer for Cats for removal of Round and Tapeworm,(8 Tablets)

  • List Price: $17.24
  • Sale Price: $12.76
  • Amount Saved: $4.48
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days



  • 8 Tablets in Blister Foil. 100% Original Product
  • Made in Germany. Imported by Bayer Thai Co., Ltd.
  • Products packed in parcels By store Shop 24 hours, (Product meets Pictures)

Product Detail

Product Description

1 tablet per 4 killogram bodyweight (eg. 2 killogram =1/2 tablet, 6 killogram =1 1/2 tablets). Original Product Not intended for use in kittens less than 6 weeks of age. Keep out of reach children, For animal ONLY. Exp 2021. Ship from Thailand and ship from USA by Lady Kids Store.