3 Packs Heart Worm Mange Tick & Flea Control Anthelmint for Dogs & Cats 10-15 Kg Vermax P4000 Chewables Liver Flavor 10 Tablets (Get Free Dog Snack Stick)

  • Sale Price: $60.15
  • Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days



  • All anthelmintics for dog & cats 10-15 kg.
  • Prevent ticks and fleas, mites mange
  • Prevention of heart worm disease
  • Eliminate roundworms tapeworms worms in the lungs
  • Liver flavor delicious taste easy to eat

Product Detail

Product Description

The drug is a long intestine They are most effective in destroying both the larvae and worms. No side effects to dog. One time per month for Heart worm - Flea & Tick / Once a week for 8 consecutive weeks for Mange Ratio of per body weight less than 10 kg 1/4 - 1/2 tablet. / 10 - 15 kg 1/2 - 1 tablet. Each Capsule Contains: Praziquantel 120 mg. Ivermectin 4,000 micrograms.