G-Paws Track - GPS Pet Tracker

  • Sale Price: $99.95
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days



  • GPS tracker, records pets movements outdoors
  • Lightweight
  • Upload data to free to use web site personalised for your pet
  • Rechargeable via usb lead
  • Share your pets adventures with others

Product Detail

Product Description

G-PAWS is a data recorder that uses GPS technology to record where your cat goes at night, how far and fast your dog runs when off the lead. It is robust, weatherproof and super-light (around 12g), meaning your pet will hardly notice. It's even light enough for a pigeon! It attaches easily to any sized collar using a soft silicone-rubber case that the unit can be popped in and out of, with Velcro straps for oversized collars. It's the only way to find out what your cat gets up to at night, how far your dog walks or, if you pay for a dog walker, G-PAWS is the ideal way to ensure your pet is getting enough exercise. The unit uses a high-sensitivity multi-channel GPS that detects and records its position every five seconds. The receiver is accurate to a couple of metres and will continue to work even when positioned under the pet's neck. The 'log' of where the pet has traveled is stored on the unit with the capacity to store hundreds of journeys. Journeys are downloaded and saved as a GPX file onto g-paws.com. When the memory is full, new journeys automatically 'over-write' the oldest ones. Powered by an internal Lithium-Polymer battery, giving 8 hours continual use. The GPS chip has a motion-detector that 'powers-down' when not in motion for more than 5 minutes so when at rest the unit will not drain power. Ideal for lazy pets. Your pet's adventures are transferred to any PC/laptop via USB cable. The g-paws website has been developed on a 'social-network' platform. It allows you to create a profile for your pet and upload their adventures. You can keep it private or choose to make friends and share info. Your pets adventures are shown on a Bing map and you can choose aerial photography or street level mapping. Journeys are displayed by date and you can see friend's pets' adventures. G-Paws also has a league table, so you can compare (and race virtually) your pet against others around the world.